Re: please HELP me to PLAN For cleanse with the least Psychological Trauma
I agree with the other posters - and I must add that I personally am very proud of you for even wanting to get healthy knowing your bug fears! That in itself takes a lot of courage.
Down to business - HUMAWORM is formulated to kill ALL parasites, larvae and eggs. You don't have to take anything else - nor do you have to fast or zap. Just take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 more at night. That's it. It has 10 herbs that kill the buggers - 8 purifying herbs that cleanse AND restore your body during the cleanse - AND 7 bowel and colon helpers that keep things flowing smoothly OUT!
It needs no other support or help - it is formulated to stand on it's own. You will not look like hell - in fact, your whole body will feel much, much better!
I do not and will not EVER include pictures on our website or any of our other advertisements because scare tactics are just plain wrong, in my opinion. Yes, I have seen worms come out of people, but never in my lifetime have I ever a case like that! We have always gotten a lot of customers who pass a visible worm during bouts of diarrhea or while doing a colon cleanse. They just "knock one loose" and happen to see it.
I still hold to the fact that 90% of adults NEVER LOOK at their stool, NEVER! If you happen to be one of these people, why start now? Take the parasite cleanse - go potty - wipe and flush. DON'T LOOK! My family has been helping deworm folks for well over 70 years and I have heard ALL of the horror stories and have been an eyewitness to a few, but I have never heard of an ascaris worm getting stuck in someone's butt! By the time it gets down into the colon area, it's already very sick or dead and your colon will take care of getting it out of your body.
People need to realize that even if they have visible worms - and the worms complete their life cycle and die naturally in a person's body - by the time it comes out in the stool - it's unrecognizeable. The body has disentergrated (sp)it.