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Re: Over 1,000,000 Worm Eggs
bkrisp Views: 4,230
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 118,853

Re: Over 1,000,000 Worm Eggs

Hi HW,

What do you think this little simile? (I'm sure you've come across it somewhere before)

Okay, so are body is like a house. We all put different things in our houses. Depending on how clean our house is, we may or may not invite pests. If we keep our house nice and clean, we won't have mice, rats, cockroaches, fruitflies etc. inside. If we keep messes lieing around and rotting food, then the pests will come. Then we have a problem, and it's really hard to get rid of them.

Soooo, we get rid of the problem by cleaning up the diet. Stop inviting the pests in our host with rotting food (in our intestines). And then, drive 'em out and all their babies etc. Keep the diet clean, and never have a pest problem again...right?

Or am I mistaken? Once we swallow a parasite egg, we are forever plagued with parasites until we do another extermination?

If we don't notice any pests in our house and keep it clean, do we still call the exterminators every year just in case?

Does this make sense?


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