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Re: re: Food allergy and leaky gut
ketchup Views: 9,599
Published: 17 y
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Re: re: Food allergy and leaky gut

I mentioned I have the most frightfull heart racing when I eat certain foods--heart goes to 140 a minute and feels like it's going to explode.
Have your heart checked to rule out the possibility of any structural heart problem, also calcium level and other chemical regulators of heartbeat-- then you may want to start tracking what you ate or ingested before having these palpitations; if each time you eat the same food or drug, you have palpitations, eliminate this stuff from your diet.
My life would be hell too if I had not tailored my diet around my allergies; thanks to this strategy, I have not had any episode of heart palpitations in more than six months;
You cannot heal if you keep having constant allergic reactions, they repeatedly traumatize your body and cause a build up of toxins that feeds candida.
Of course, it requires a little patience to monitor your diet that way, but for me it made the difference between feeling terribly unwell and like I was going to die and feeling not the greatest yet but ok, peaceful and sleeping like a baby at night.
Did you start your juice fast yet? keep us posted.
take care.


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