I have been doing a lot of research on cancer recently (I have skin cancer). In brief, here is what I have found: Nobel Prize winner, Dr Otto Warburg, discovered that cancer cannot exist in an alkaline state. It is important to raise your pH levels to 8.0 if you want to stop cancer from progressing. Start by cleasing your colon, so that nutrients can more freely enter your bloodstream. The best colon cleanser I have found is
Oxypowder (
Oxypowder by itself raised the pH levels of my urine.
I only started using cesium (I got mine at a few days ago, but from what I have been able to discover, cesium will raise your blood pH to 8.0, thus killing cancer cells. It is highly recommended that you use the enzyme serrapeptase to attack (clean up) the dead cancer cells after the cesium does its job. One source of serrapeptase is SerraPlus from
Two clinical studies in rats found that MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) delayed the onset of chemically induced cancers. You can't overdose on MSM and it's cheap if you buy it in bulk (
I will post again when I can provide more information on my results using cesium.