Response to Cesium Therapy
Dear Sue:
I am not a nurse and do not have any training in the medical field. However when my sister, Susie, became sick I got interested right away and spent a lot of time researching for possible help. The standard medical field has nothing but months of torture to offer those who are unfortunate enough to contract cancer. I have just returned to California on June 22 after spending nearly a year caring for Susie. She is now in a "stabilized" condition with the disease in an inactive state. She is off all pain medication and starting to enjoy life again.
I feel that cancer takes over when thke immune system is low or nearly non-existent so I decided to use what I call my "shotgun therapy". I do not believe any one thing is going to immediately cure the disease so I selected those things which I thought would rebuild her immune system after the bulk kill-off by the cesium therapy. It is necessary to replace the flora in your intestines during and after the cesium therapy. There is a doctor near Manhattan Beach that is an expert on helping cancer victims.
Unfortunately insurace does not cover alternatives and you have to assume the total cost of the nutrients that it may take to get back to health. I have Susie on a long list of nutrients and her last blood tests and bone survey in May showed "no activity".
She went from a very painful condition with a broken femur caused from the bone being destroyed by the cancer, pain in her ribs, pain in her arm, pain in her pelvis, to a pain free and healing condition. I came back because she is now able to take care of herself after spending many months in a hospital bed in her living room. I don't know what kind of cancer you have but if you want to communicate write to me at