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Re: Question about liver stones...
Yeah, I've heard all those stories. Consider the source. ANYTHING that works will be pooh-poohed by them. Chiropractic used to be an "unscientific cult" We're still here - it works.
I seriously question the whole ultrasound deal. Babies that were ultrasounded are on average a pound lighter than those that weren't.
Ultrasound will pick up solid objects but not soft stones and even if they did pick up something they wouldn't tell you about it.
Not only those soft green stones but lymphatic debris. It all has to pass through the liver to exit the body. I haven't passed stones in years but I have passed a ton (well you know) of lymphatic debris. One guy passed little bullet shaped stones of the rubing compound he used detailing cars 20 years ago.
Consider the source. Anything from Steven Barett is right straight from the drug companies. It's all somantics. The words they use. Thay can make it sound oh so scientific but look close at it - it's pure propaganda. You get pretty good at spotting it after a while no matter what lies they're trying to convince you of.