O well another typical emotional response and holy gaucamole talk about assumptions!!. I think you cornered the market Geez Louise!!! Let me get my violins out ;+D
You can bet your life you are being RUDE as people always are on this forum when they have all these pre concieved notions and they don't hear what/how they wanna hear and their bubble gets burst by a reality check. My standard response as you call it is to your same ole same ole post of people looking for that magic bullet/quick fix mentality that we have heard here and on this website in general a trillion times. Guess what? You are not unique and the sooner you see what I've pointed too and not get all emotional and get all involved in trying to insult me and all the major assumptions of what I do or am the sooner you can make the mental and logistic adjustments so you won't feel that you are failing as you so indicated in your original post. That IS what real "support" IS. "Real world" solutions very seldom come according to how >you< think the world revolves and definitely not in the form of someone whining along with you perpetuating that drone mentality that will keep you repeating the same mistake over and over. Wake up and smell the lemonade ;+D