Re: What to use against parasites? and question about pumpkin seeds
I think I should be o.k. for the liver flush, I did one about a year ago and it was very productive, and I didn't have any problems. I haven't ever actually had any issues with stones, gall or otherwise, nor any other severe digestive issues (knock on wood), so I am not doing the cleanses for an known existing health problems. However several of my older relatives have had bowel cancer, hence the cleanses, and my grandma had her gallbladder out, as have a lot of my friends, even people in their 20's, so I am concerned about accumulating stones. So it's more housecleaning than tackling any known issue. I am currently doing a bowel and
parasite cleanse, but decided to add the
Liver Flush again, since you said it would help get rid of parasites, which is my main concern. I have felt things "squirm" when I use my zapper, plus I have two dogs, one of whom I know eats poo, and they have totally kissed me square on the lips more than once. I'm deworming them and my husband too!
As far as the Taurine goes, thanks for the tip. I actually have some already so I'll give it a go.