Re: i'm allergic to so many foods
clearly it shows that you are not digesting your food,in particular proteins correctly. You have a clogged liver and because you dranked alcohol in your time, tells me that your liver needs to be cleansed. Taurine can help with that situation. low levels of taurine means intestinal parasites and thryroid problems. stimulating your bile flow will help balance every organ in your body overtime. It just takes patience and consistency.
spectrum mulivitamin mineral
ALL amino acids {non-essential and essential}
Taurine 3500mg IMPORTANT!!
shark liver oil
B vitamins
nigari oil(mag)
homemade kefir (kefir comes later...heal gut 1st)
*Acetly-carntine is optional but highly recommended.
*word of wisdom*
flush the liver and fill your body with right nutrients (vitamin,minerals,amino acids)
and you should slowly start to feel a difference and introduce those foods.