Re: update
I don't know how much you may need, but remember if you feel sleepy, it's too much. One has to find their own balance, so be alert to any side effects, whether sam-e or tryptophan. Definitely space it out until you find your best dosage. Most tryptophan comes in 500 mg, if that is any help. Let us know how you do.
I hope your multi-vitamin is more effective than mine; I recently found out through testing that my body wasn't "receiving" the vits and minerals it claimed it had! However, when I began taking the exact same dosage -but in SEPARATELY PACKAGED vits and mins- my body absorbed them perfectly. So I don't trust the multi's much anymore. You might want to keep this in mind if you feel no difference.
The ONLY thing I ever found helpful for my 10-year IBS is horopito oil. It cured me in days! However, I keep hoping I am "cured" and try stopping it only to get diarhhea again. Ugh. So I guess I'm on it for life and should just thank God I found some relief. Good luck.