Merk drug company vaccines admits injecting cancer viruses
Merk drug company vaccines admits injecting cancer viruses [video] -
The leading vaccine developer of the 20th C. tells of spreading the cancer virus by failing to kill it off when they make batches of vaccines.
Also, the HIV virus is spread that way... but who knows what to believe, or what to think? I heard someone tell about how the HIV virus is not real at all, there is no such thing they said.
It gets difficult to wrap our heads around all this stuff... the motivations to tell lies go three layers deep, and the complexities of modern plagues are mind boggling.
I hear this video saying that HIV is being spread on purpose, and then I hear someone who was tested positive but who never took the drugs and never got sick even after 10 years tell me that HIV is not real at all, which would mean that everyone who dies of AIDS was killed by the drugs alone. So why would Merck be spreading a non-existant disease? Surely they would know if HIV is a farce or not. Maybe they do this in hopes of getting caught just so as to distract from the idea that HIV is not real.
One thing that is clear is that when people are diagnosed with HIV, they should not start on the drugs until they know for sure that they are getting sick. There might have been millions of cases that never needed the drugs!! - but doctors are not telling patients to \"Wait and see\", which indicates that the doctors don\'t even know that some people don\'t get sick even though they tested positive.
Maybe it was a \"false positive\". It is accepted that false positive HIV tests do happen... so why in the world would anyone start on the drugs without getting tested a few times and maybe even until they start to show symptoms?? And how can doctors be so irresponsible? Plus, those HIV drugs cost about $200,000 a YEAR, so why wouldn\'t the health care insurer, or Health Canada [the public health insurer in Canada] want to be sure there is a reason to use those drugs, and a darn good reason to pay for those drugs?
Perhaps there are kickbacks from the drug companies for every doctor and health care provider [the ones who pay for the drugs] who starts patients on HIV drugs.
Or maybe they just believe they have the best interests of the patient in mind, and want to start the drugs as soon as possible to give the best chance at avoiding symptoms proliferation in the HIV positive patients.
[ya, right, ha ha ha].