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Re: Estrogen Dominance--Need reasurrance
LuellaMay Views: 9,112
Published: 17 y
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Re: Estrogen Dominance--Need reasurrance

Hi Val,

Start here in looking for a Naturopath.

Although I could find nowhere that Serzone interferes with progesterone, It is highly likely that the antidepressant and anxiety meds you are taking are actually complicating the matter and making the issue worse.  These meds have side effects that doctors don't tell you about.  Hence, my suggestion to see a Naturopath.  They should be able to help you with everything.

As for the best brand of Trace Minerals, that would be from Utopia Silver.  Put in Code LR001 in order to get a 15% discount on items not on sale.

Under "Immune Support" I recommend "Liquid Life."

Val, start here.  Please let me know how you are doing and don't hesitate to drop in for support or to ask questions.

Whatever you do, don't give up.  There is always an answer.





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