Thanks for your comment. I think your theory is right, and yes I am aware of water loss at the start of the fast, indeed in the early days of this fast I did lose about 1.6Kg a day, but now its about day 13, or day 6 if you measure from my mid-fast 2 days of indulgence in delicious Braeburn apples! So I think it is a bit too long in the fast to be losing water, but you never know.
On previous fasts I was losing around 0.4 Kg a day in the later stages, which is consistent with your weight loss now. That I can understand, since it is just under a pound a day, ie 3500 calories, which is about what we burn. But 1Kg, wow! Still I am not complaining, just wondering where it's going!
Presume you are still doing well, I hope so anyway :-)