Loved that!
I Loved that post Doc:-)
Yeah , after all your friends leave because you are sick, you think that is it.
but when you feel that somme of your loved ones just doesnt seem to care if you get well ore not , you get ANGRY.
Loved what you wrote about depression. I have gotten some scary depressed days lately. It just started this late in the process. never happened before. And the anger also. Not sure what to do about the anger , as it is valid;-)
Guess I will continue to build health , and find some new playground.
If I hadn`t experienced this for my self , I would not thought it possible. It is like "everybody" is in with the doctors. Brainwashed. Not even being able to show compassion for a suffering loved one , as long as they do not take the meds and smile at parties..
Well. my rant here.
You started it Doc,,he,he.
What a ride!
love Hilli