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"PAINTING IODINE" elminates a Fungal Infection
Neomi Views: 34,494
Published: 17 y

"PAINTING IODINE" elminates a Fungal Infection

The "painted iodine" self-test eliminates a fungal infection

Using a 2% tincture of iodine solution I obtained from a local drug store and a Q-tip to apply it to my skin, I applied about a 2 inch by 2 inch round circle to my chest. I used the iodine that leaves a yellow- orange color on the skin. A clear iodine product is also available in drug stores but you cannot read it visually to determine your iodine status so you need to buy the colored iodine solution.

I found that within 3 hours the orange iodine strain had completely disappeared meaning that I was very deficient in iodine. The next day I applied it once more and again it vanished in a few hours. The altmedangel site stated that if the iodine circle vanishes in less than 4 hours that you are iodine deficient. The test then also becomes the treatment for the iodine deficiency condition. After about 2 weeks of applying the iodine solution to my skin daily, the time for complete absorption increased to almost 24 hours. I then stopped applying the iodine on a daily basis but will retest it once a week.

Surprisingly, the athlete's foot problem disappeared gradually over the first 3 days of painting the iodine solution on my skin. This happened even though the iodine was never applied to my feet. Apparently the iodine absorbed into my body through my skin had a systemic effect in killing off the candida albicans circulating in the blood stream and having settled in my feet.

My body temperature also returned to a normal 98.6 degrees F during the day and I felt much warmer all over. The iodine painted on my skin had a faster therapeutic effect than did the thyroid medication I had taken a few years ago. I discontinued the _ grain thyroid supplement about a year ago after I first started painting iodine solution on my skin. It was about a month after I had stopped using the iodine solution this summer that the athlete's foot problem resurfaced.

I am convinced that the needs for iodine will vary from person to person. Persons with viremia and chronic infections with high titers will need more supplemental iodine as the iodine will interact with the infectious agents in the blood and lymph fluid and bind the iodine making it unavailable to the thyroid. As the level of the infection declines so will the need for iodine also decline. This will show up on the skin as a slower absorption rate of the painted iodine.

I have talked with many people in the past several years who have had a lifetime struggle with candida albicans and fungal infections. Nearly all of them suffered from low body temperature. These people often had high titers for HHV-6, CMV. EBV and/or other chronic infections.

Could painting a circle of iodine solution on the skin daily help get rid of the candida albicans, parasites, HHV-6, herpes, hepatitis and multiple other bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral infections including HIV?


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