Re: UPDATE: Re: Too much Epsom salt?
hi. I can't say for sure what happened with you and
Epsom Salts , but also on curezone is information that says
Epsom Salts is used to help when women have pre-eclampsia. Check it out:
Magnesium sulfate is used to treat pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and
preterm labor.
Pre-eclampsia (also known as toxemia and Pregnancy-Induced High Blood
Pressure) consists of high blood pressure, protein in the urine and
edema (swelling). It can rapidly become severe pre-eclampsia, with
very high blood pressure, visual disturbances, failing kidneys and
elevated liver enzymes. In rare cases, pre-eclampsia develops into
eclampsia, where potentially fatal convulsions occur. It also can
become HELLP Syndrome (hemolysis (H), which is the breaking down of
red blood cells, elevated liver enzymes (EL), and low platelet count
(LP)), which is potentially fatal to both the woman and her baby or