Re: MMS and antioxidants
Hi r4000,
I have a very clean processed or junk foods, no sugar, no gluten, no dairy, only organic produce, grass fed beef and chicken, wild fish, good amounts of coconut oil, butter from grass fed cattle, olive oil, sesame oil. I take a green drink every day, and take a number of supplements, most of which are from whole foods. So I am clear my problem is not from malnutrition.
I took
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for 2 months, and got diarrhea only twice, once when I reached 11 drops, and once when I started up after a short hiatus.
In those 2 months I had some very positive shifts in my health and well being, and want and hope to use it again.
It is a pro-oxidant,(opposite of anti-oxidant) who knows how it is interacting with anti-oxidants in the body? I don't think the vote is in yet on some of its interactions. We are guinea pigs, so to speak, experimenting and sharing results.
There is nothing to defend....we are all in this together, wanting optimal health.
I am by no means bashing
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . It has helped me more than anything I have tried in a number of years, and I have had some significant issues to overcome.
I am a canary and am very sensitive/tuned in to my body..... and I am pretty certain that the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement has contributed to some depletion of needed nutrients.(there is other corroborating evidence)
I share this so that others, if they are having any unusual symptoms - aches, pains, low energy, etc. - might stop and check out whether MMS might be a contributing factor.