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Re: MMS and antioxidants
jfh Views: 3,370
Published: 17 y
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Re: MMS and antioxidants

"Anyway if you destroy all the stuff producing the free radicals then perhaps you dont need a lot of antioxidants anyway" - jonsher_uk

That's an important thought. I'd say the same for probiotics.

There is no need to stop your use of antioxidants. The only one that seems to cause a conflict is ascorbic acid (vit C). Still, there is no need to stop it either. I normally wait about 6 hours before or after Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I think 4 hours is OK. Think of it the same way you would if you were on heart medication. If you eat grapefruit while on heart meds, it will cancel the heart med. Same as vitamin C with Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Selenium is a good antioxidant not to be forgotten. There are many others as well. Just be aware of vitamin C input while you are taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Hopefully, you won't have to take MMS for very long; but if you do, just modify your timing. It would be nice to know the Science behind this caution though. It would help with our decisions.

Speaking of vitamin C, I just found out that papaya has loads of vitamin C.


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