If you eat junk food Miracle-Mineral-Supplement will help your body get rid of it..
I strongly suggest that look up taking a product like Green Magma,URI feast,Nutrilala,etc..
As for anti-oxydents,??? Sodium chlorite when activated releases chlorine dioxyde THAT GOES AFTER THE PATHOGENS IN ONE'S BODY...
HINTS 1-I strongly recommend waiting 2-4 hrs after taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement before you eat ,especially if the dosage is over 5 drops of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Why? Because you will get diarrhea to a degree and that means that certain nutrients you are eating will not have the chance to be assimilated by your body..
But everybody is different -so check up yourself...
2- I am ordering a "green product "as well to complement my nutrition..