Re:UT,fasting,and strength
Arnold Ehret's books, Mucusless Diet healing System, Rational Fasting and others are great primers for us to learn about the body. Since he was not only an adept in helping others get well but also was very sick himself , his contribution to health knowledge is valuable, notwithstanding the semi controversy surronding his works.
He advised that in his experience only serious fasting in the final analysis would heal us of serious maladies.
Put UT into that mix and you get a supreme cleanse and rejuvinating experience. Be careful tho and study about the water only style, the key is to cleanse and sensitize the system towards itself, not soley to deprive it, thus again the UT fits fasting so well. The draughts become sweeter and sweeter.
You may not know that in studies of what strength actually is the debate goes on. Wether it is the krebs, atp process or just the cells exhausting properly, our ability to feel and be physical strong is a mystery to modern science. I would say rather than your muscles being stronger in such a short time, that perhaps your systems started running abit more efficiently because of less stuff being processed, like with the mention of Weismuller's experience. The second wind and third and fourth come into play here.
( I was sking once and a friend said, "If I were you Id be dead". I responded, thinking this was a conventional societal judgment with, "are you refering to how Ive lived my life?" and they said "No. You dont eat. We all had a big breakfast, you only had some powder ( msm), we broke for lunch and you stayed up here, we come find you some hours later and you are still powering away, sheesh.")
Items found in organ stones or in the acumulation of sedimment as in gout arent necessarily the cause. Again a system that is unballanced, congested, and slow in processing, caused usually by overeating a rich, processed, high protein diet. ( I figure you know much of this already but it never hurts to replant it into the unit)
I also appreciate the cayenne approach by Christopher and Schultz. Ehret got many of us started years ago, hes a gem.