Re: MMS claims are faulty science
Answer to #3 for those that don't want to use the link:
Action Mining was established in 1979 by Jim Humble, Mike Glenn, and a few others when we were mining our own sulfide ore property in the Panamint Mountain Range near Trona California. The CLSes™ (concentrate leach solution) were developed for successfully leaching this type of ore without the use of cyanide. Jim’s background was firmly established in research, Mike was a licensed building contractor in construction and mechanical engineering. Both men had chemistry backgrounds. I attended to the office. It was a perfect blend of experience for a mining venture.
While processing our ore, assaying our cons and tails became a necessity, we found nothing was offered for the small mining operation. Therefore we started developing & offering our own fluxes and supplies; thereby the Beginners Assay Kit™ was born. (Any item you find in our catalog has been tried out in our own lab. If it doesn’t work, we don’t sell it.) A few years down the road, Jim started researching mercury because so many people were trying to amalgamate. The MCCs™ (Mercury Charging Chemical), Charged Mercury™ and our unique amalgamators improved recovery. (As of 2006, it is almost impossible to get permits for the use of mercury in the United States; however amalgamation is still used in many countries.)
In the ‘80s, Action Mining Services Inc. began holding seminars to teach the various procedures developed. The move to Las Vegas made it easier to hold seminars every month. Today, instead of holding seminars, Mike has produced instructional videos.
Publishing Popular Mining Magazine for 12 years, we received articles, plans, and ideas submitted by working miners from around the world. A wealth of information, today you can still buy the 5 volume set of all the articles ever published.
Jim retired in the early ‘90s from Action Mining Services to go mining again. Mike stepped in as president, even with his travels around the world setting up mill sites. By this point we had a very competent staff. June Kramer, our sales manager, had been with us for 20 years. Others were with us for 7+ years each.
The Micron Mill Wave Table, a product of years of research and refinement, has proven itself over and over to be one of the best production recovery units for fine gold, and other metals which have resisted gravity separation. Today, our files are full of testimonials from around the world.
In 1998, Mike and I moved our main office to Oregon. Currently, we have agents in Australia, Peru, Chile, and French Guyana, where mining is on the upswing. The Internet has brought worldwide sales to a new level of activity. Our daughter Jessica, bringing her experience of managing businesses in Alaska and Nevada, returned to Action Mining a few years ago to take over as office manager. With the current bull market in the metals industry and the experience of our staff and agents, Action Mining heads into the 21st century with enthusiasm!