Raw UNCOOKED natural hygienic
Sounds like a plan.
Just make sure you keep it raw and UNCOOKED, or there is a good chance you'll not see any benefit. Cooking alters food quite a bit, there are entire books written on this. In the book,
the author describes how she went "raw" but kept cooking her food, and it never made her better. It was only after she left it uncooked, kept to mostly fruits, and she did some fasts that she had a major breakthrough.
Once you feel "better" I'd also consider fruits. I had Candida for 10 years and I've had most fruits for the last 2 months. Never felt better and my medical stats are all in the normal range again.
There is a lot of misinformation out there on "raw" diets, but this one is the best.
The problem with raw diets is that they are becoming trendy and people that don't know better are writing about them and messing them up. So there is a lot of misinformation out there.
Good luck, let us know how it goes.