You can do whatever you like, but there is a lot of misinformation out there concerning "raw" diets, a lot of people trying to make money (and treating it as a fad) imo.
The site below cuts through the misinformation.
To get healthy, the diet people should be aiming for is raw natural hygienic diet.
What this means is that the food is uncooked and mostly fruits, some veggies, some nuts (which are actually fruits). Crackers and bread products definitely not (if you want to get well that is)!
The author of this book describes how she didn't get well at all on a so-called "raw" diet (www.dyingtogetwell.com). Eating raw but cooking the food or eating bread products won't work. If the food gets too processed, is canned/boxed/bagged, it probably also won't work.
Just a warning, I'm assuming everyone wants to get healthier, but the "fancier" it is, the less benefit you're going to get. Picking straight from the tree is the best imo.
Good luck everyone with their new diets, mine made a difference in a few days only and makes a difference the more time that passes.