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Atrial myxoma
dsr Views: 1,314
Published: 17 y
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Atrial myxoma

An atrial myxoma is a non-cancerous tumor in the upper left or right side of the heart. It grows on the wall (atrial septum) that separates the two sides of the heart.

My bothers surgery is tommorrow, the doctors have everyone convinced that his tumor is not diet related, but I do believe they will want him to watch his diet afterwards.
But thier diets do not promote human food.
My bothers diet has allways been the worst, tons of meat, tankers full of pop, pizza fast food, smokes,doesn't exerise, and my family believes it has nothing to do with it, he just has a rare tumor on his heart that just happens to a small percentage of people randomly. They think the medics are gods and your only hope is to worhship them and take there drugs.
He seems fine except that he has lost his speech abilities, can't get sentences out just a few words.
Thanks everyone for your replies and support.


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