The Key with most healings by faith was that the sick person needs to have the faith; OR the sick person would be healed to show others the power of GOD!
The person of faith has to do this:
Follow God's Laws.
This means the person has to eat/drink/live according to NATURE! Otherwise kiss the Faith cure good bye, because those who refuse to live according to Gods Laws do not like God, wil never Obey Him and they sure can't expect their prayers to be answered. Nature is TRUE 100% of the time! Those that Obey are rewarded, those that don't, are eliminated!
THUS "ALL" Disease is a result of sin against God! It can't be any other way! That is why we are all sinners today and how the Pope has became so powerful by being a replacement for GOD, because the POPE from day ONE has been 100% gainst GOD! / NATURE! The pope came up with the GIMMICK to buy your way out of HELL!
How can people be so DUMB? Think about it!!! Nature / God's Laws hand down judgement every second of our lives! Every action demands a reaction of JUDGEMENT!
Good is repaid with Good!
Evil is repaid with Evil!
No pope, no religion can ever change GOD'S LAWS! Sin is Sin, you do it, you pay, that is it! You can change and you will be richly rewarded, that is the SYSTEM we all must live by NOW!
Those with the faith in the pope that think they can sin and burn in hell as they screw their neighbors here on earth and then have these sins washed white as snow by the pope's savior system must live in a fanasty and only goes to prove that demons have already possessed most of the people on this earth in preparation of the ending of this earth cycle.
We are living very much in the times of Noah, in that few pure people exist and when none exist, the wreath of Fire will cleanse the face of this earth and all will perish and as the new cycle rolls forth, the lamb and the lion will once again breathe air as their only true food.
God can plant this earth faster than we can plant a row of corn. Ushering out the old at the blink of an eye!