Re: escape from the belly of the beast - a miracle in the making
he is not out of the woods yet, even when he makes it home today. my biggest concern is giving him too little too late. second is rapid detox - too much too soon. its a fine line with someone so compromised.
for example, once he had those 25 mg of potassium iodide in him and got confirmation that it was killing off a fungal type infection, then i had to worry about a strong herzheimer effect. i dont want him succumbing to his own poisons. OTOH, he needed to clear enough of the infection to restore some capacity to breathe. a very touchy situation, especially in the hospital. i didnt want them alerted to me or doing something that would hinder what i was doing. they were working against the situation enough as it was.
my choices were made based upon several criteria. first was that he could handle the impact of the substances without any undue stress. second, that they were forms that would not pose a problem in application. i didnt want the pills getting stuck in his throat so i had him take them one at a time and wet them down in his mouth till they were slimy before swallowing. there is nothing like having a cayenne capsule get stuck and open up in the tube. been there and it aint fun. he didnt need that kind of discomfort, which also may have alerted the staff. third, they had to be things which would not interfere or be interfered with what was already going on. i wanted foodstuffs or simple supplements via orthosupplementation.
my god, what i wouldnt have given to have free reign given the opportunity that was at hand. the doctors have him on an IV, of course, so once there it is the perfect opportunity to get stuff directly into the bloodstream and right to the site of the problem - the lungs. two things could have produced a literal miracle, like taking a dead man by the hand and pulling him up to a standing position and he start to dance.
first there was ascorbate. someone had already answered my plea for info before i left with a treatment which helped black lung victims. it was 500mg of sodium ascorbate IV every 2 hours. what a boost that would have been. after a dose or two of that, then the other thing would have been an IV with h2o2. the tried and true alkaseltzer effect of of that oxygen in the lungs would blast out those gasses from the place that the machines have the hardest time reaching - the very bottom of the lungs.
either one of those could have produced dramatic results, but together, with the combination of antioxidants and oxygen where you need it, it could be the one-two punch which could send multitudes on a machine in a facility back home to resume their lives for a time.
the reason i chose the wilsons iodine with its 2% elemental I2 and the majority content of KI was simply that it is what i have the most of and it is the most gentle. it is KI that has been used historically for lung infections with rousing success. plus, i did not want to add to his oxidative stress because i felt that he was already being harmed by too much oxygen to the brain. he is also on synthroid so i kept the dose low for now(about 60mg total) to keep from triggering the thyroid to stop its uptake. this is for now. i would like to give him a gram of KI a day, but that will have to be worked up to as a coup de gras for the infection.
as for the rest, the cayenne always helps in matters of the blood and you cant OD on it(though you can feel like it!). barefoots tincture is mild yet effective and i felt i could use that as much as i wanted. the oregano oil is also an antifungal and airway helper. i brought the iodine and air restore and oregano oil with me. i will have to buy everything else we use.