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Re: Celiac, Anti-biotics, and Candida diets
ketchup Views: 1,242
Published: 17 y
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Re: Celiac, Anti-biotics, and Candida diets

Well, it's good to have different point of views, so thanks again.
As far as leaky gut people are concerned, this diet wouldn't work--anybody with leaky gut can't stand beans, raw fruit or veggies due to gas, bloating and pain.
One thing is clear though--for obvious reasons, there must be differences between the ''candida only'' diet, and the candida/leaky gut diet.
Strangely, the doctors or NDs do not seem to aknowledge this important difference and do not take it into account in the various diets they recommend.
This goes to show how little is known by doctors about candida--even the most obvious symptoms that many patients can observe on themselves are not taken into account by doctors--and how knowledge in the field has to progress to become really fact based and scientific.


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