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Celiac, Anti-biotics, and Candida
CandidaInContext Views: 1,438
Published: 17 y

Celiac, Anti-biotics, and Candida

Celiac disease may be grossly under diagnosed. It should be ruled out in any chronic digestive condition even if the symptoms don't fit the classic picture. Celiac disease should also be ruled out in osteoporosis and in neurological problems, especially MS. Celiac disease should also be ruled out in Hashimoto's Disease and other thyroid abnormalities. Whenever Celiac disease is diagnosed, Candida infections should be tested for and treated aggressively.

Of all dietary components, carbohydrates have the greatest influence on intestinal microbes (yeast and bacteria) which are believed to be involved in intestinal disorders. Most intestinal microbes require carbohydrates for energy. The SCD works by severely limiting the availability of carbohydrates to intestinal microbes. When carbohydrates are not digested, they are not absorbed. They remain in the intestinal tract, thus encouraging microbes to multiply by providing food for them. This can lead to the formation of acids and toxins which can injure the small intestine. Once bacteria multiply within the small intestine, they can destroy the enzymes on the intestinal cell surface, preventing carbohydrate digestion and absorption. At this point, production of excessive mucus may be triggered as the intestinal tract attempts to "lubricate" itself against the irritation caused by the toxins, acids, and the presence of incompletely digested and unabsorbed carbohydrates.

Happened to stumble across these two links today. I strongly recommend them to be read. In the first link it states that celiac and candida are often part of the same problem. So there might not be such a thing as celiacs disease... only candida. In the next link it states that when an imbalance happens within the intestines, the bacteria and fungi multiply causing damage to the cell walls... causing excess lubrication, toxins, and other stuff.

Anyway the second link also provides a certain diet that has supposedly helped others to recover from celiac disease.

Hope you find this helpful


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