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Re: Celiac, Anti-biotics, and Candida

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Re: Celiac, Anti-biotics, and Candida

Diet is controversial... everyone claims to have the winning diet. I personally have no problem with fruit. As the great healers repeat time and again, all disease is from insufficient drainage.

You will notice in the first link it states that there is a corellation between candida and celiac. So where there is one, chances are there is the other. I am of italian decent, and the rate of celiac there is huge. Its from all the pasta we eat, not to mention sweet deserts, bread, and coffee.

And what interested me more in the SC Diet wasnt so much the diet... because like you I saw things that were controversial. What interested me was the part about the mucus.

"The SCD works by severely limiting the availability of carbohydrates to intestinal microbes. When carbohydrates are not digested, they are not absorbed. They remain in the intestinal tract, thus encouraging microbes to multiply by providing food for them."

So the main part about the diet is to limit the amount of carbohydrates reaching the intestines. Get the energy fast and quick, to starve the candida in the bowels.

Next it explains how the bacteria injure the body. Now if we are eating a poor diet, and give the fungus real estate in our bowels by taking anti-biotics... then we have given the right conditions for the candida in our bowels to flourish. Then we wind up with a problem that any carbohydrates reaching the bowels feeds the candida.

"This can lead to the formation of acids and toxins which can injure the small intestine. Once bacteria multiply within the small intestine, they can destroy the enzymes on the intestinal cell surface, preventing carbohydrate digestion and absorption. At this point, production of excessive mucus may be triggered as the intestinal tract attempts to "lubricate" itself against the irritation caused by the toxins, acids, and the presence of incompletely digested and unabsorbed carbohydrates"

Excessive mucus... the body is trying to protect itself by making lots of mucus. From all the toxins, acid, and undigested carbs. Fungus likes to make acids, toxins, and probably doesnt digest all the carbs. This explains alot of things in my case... IE why when I eat raw foods the mucus doesnt come. And why grains and rice still triggered problems in my case.

So what this diet is doing is severely limiting the foods that make the body create mucus. Or rather foods that trigger mucus in the body, because the foods left out help to not feed the candida and other bacteria.

Fruits and veggies dont feed the candida in the bowels because they do not reach the bowels, but the sugars in fruit might feed the candida in the blood stream. But here is the kicker... the Sugar that enters the blood stream is not the food, unless you have leaky gut... but even then the Sugar has been used by then. It is the body taking apart the fruit, and then taking the energy to where it needs to go. So the fruit is being used in a way.... my guess is that when the fruit is eaten, the body tries to reclaim territory right away... and the candida reacts. Or it is some sort of massive detox symptom. That is why Frederic Patenaude has such a great success rate by giving those who have candida only raw fruit for over a month.

I also disagree with using beans, or even certain sprouted beans. I also disagree with eating unsprouted nutts. As is evident by those who eat raw food diets, all the enzyme inhibbitors screw them up. It is better to eat only fruit and easily digested veggies.

I know I went on and on here... but since having gone raw the symptoms are gone again. And the body is detoxing/healing. I figure it will take about 2-3 months to fully recover, as the body is completely renewed after this time.


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