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coconut oil
jessesmom1987 Views: 1,398
Published: 17 y
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coconut oil

Hi Somer,
In reading back posts, I know there's been alot of different things said about the coconut oil, and I didn't know if deciding to use it last night instead of the oils I've been using may not have worked...I think I'm getting close to getting my liver cleaned out, and I'm not sure if this was the flush that it decided to not produce any kind of stones, or even sand, or if the coconut oil didn't produce stuff like I'm used to getting.

So you have used coconut oil successfully? I was just wondering who has, or who hasn't. I've read where some say it doesn't go through the liver, and doesn't need bile and shouldn't be used for Liver Flushing for that reason...but I've also read that it's still an oil and would still go through the liver (bile).

I like the cold pressed sesame oil for the same reason you said you prefer the walnut oil- no taste and it's light. I know the Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil is supposed to be the best, but I'd rather not have to use it.



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