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Zoebess, did you do the coconut oil flush? Anyone else?
jessesmom1987 Views: 1,284
Published: 17 y

Zoebess, did you do the coconut oil flush? Anyone else?

I was just reading through old posts about using coconut oil, and wondered if you had used it? I read where you were planning on trying it.

I didn't read much about using it, or not, and decided at the last minute to use it instead of Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil last night- (I'm getting to where I don't even like the smell of the olive oil) and I don't know if I'm just getting to where my liver is finally getting cleaned out, or if it truly just didn't work. I'd read a post of Telman's that said it's still an oil that goes through the liver, but I've also read other posts that say it isn't used by the liver like other oils---

It's the first time in a very long time that I didn't feel very good when I woke up this morning after using it.

I wonder if others have success/unsuccessful, recent stories about using virgin coconut oil. I was thinking it could be useful two-fold- for parasites/ Liver Flushing at the same time, and had read about someone else using it for candida/ Liver Flushing with the same idea.

I don't think I'll do it's just one of those things that I've wondered about--and guess I had to try. I've had good luck with sesame oil in place of the olive oil.


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