Re: Severe anxiety with Mirena...HELP....major setback right now!
I can't believe I am wide awake right now when I should be sound asleep.... I just woke up drenched in sweat and am having such a horrible panic attach, it seems like it will never end.
The anxiety is so bad right now, I would go to the ER to have this IUD removed, if I wasn't embarrassed about not being able to wait until my appointment with my OB on Monday.
Can someone tell me when the sweating, trembling from feeling cold, and anxiety end? Am I just having one of those "bad Mirena days"? I've never quite experienced symptoms this severe before. I was thinking that maybe it was my body trying to go through a "cycle", but unable to because of my hormones being in such disarray! Especially, since I've noticed some spotting today and yesterday.
I'm just a few days into the zoloft, but I haven't had a lorazepam for panic attacks in 5 days, so I was wondering if it could be the lorazepam withdrawal too.
Oh, my mind is racing. I hate what my hormones are doing to my mind. I am a healthy 30 year old, with nothing to feel this lousy about.
I just can't believe how severe I am feeling right now.... Reading this forum and typing this blog seem to help, though. I'm too embarrassed to wake my husband up :-(
If anyone has had these sever of symptoms or has even felt like this just "all of a sudden" with Mirena.... reply back... I'm sure I'll be up for a while.