Re: White specks in stool/Flagyl question
hello nordik
read that even the urine carries out
parasites without the eye can see.
I wonder if this is true? That stuff doctors med kills one if more very few.
One doctor told me you take meds but it doesn't work that much/or help to rid parasites
that much.
read also that these
parasites bred and comes out with an entirely differnt parasite
called new kind of a parasite??????
specks I see/read to be part of family of mongelleons.(created in bioterrism labs and
goes hand and hand with lyme disease).
I think there is a lot of these diseases we have now that derives from LymeDiseas.
European medicine says one group of diseases are this and the other group of diseases
is in the other group.
What is this your doctor said you had?
My doctor clinically diagnosed me with c.diff a
nordik I will trade my eye tooth in thinking the answers to your questions is yes.
I also read one becomes immune to various this and tats in killing
parasites after
a while. That is why one must do many kinds. The parasites become immune to this
treatments too.
have you read anything regarding
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ? by Jim Humble. Make sure it has jims name written or discussed on the site you pull up cause there are alot of immatators from buying the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement bottle to other
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement sites referring to entirely
different supplements.
Jim Humble says that if the mms is weak or not 28% citric you wont get benefits.
He says to get the litmus tape (2 different kinds) to determine the grade.
I found a compound pharmacy with the tapes to test my mms.
I think one site might still be around that jim personally calls his own
now. He is brave to tell folks how to heal selfs just like
Hulda Clark and the
lady with cancer who had to flee out of country for (i remember this doctor/lady's
name was Day).
I haven't been on it very long but noticed yesterday 2 mongellons in my toilet.
they were floating on top.
papaya seeds helped me too but I had to swallow loads of them. I found some critters
in the stool along side of the papaya seeds.
there are alot of communites in us but they arent all that e/z to accomodate our hard efforts.
Oh yeah, you mite try goin to a colonist therapist who fills one with oxygen water
and follow with a green chyllophyl implant. One got a large monster out of me.
Her name was Pat Wesley from Denton,TEXAS. She was only 5 yrs in business and we
both got scared looking at this thing in her hose.
There was a large monster that just left one night in my tub water after I slaved over mowing yards and pushing myself exercising. It wanted to leave out of my throat
but I kepted gagging to death and had to swallow it down. (I know gross but I was so
thankful too because it was giving me h e l l).
Diatamous Earth really worked for me but took month so to rid a transparent ghost large one (white skin) transparent really really wierld.
I remember taking something like the mineral stuff one time that I bought from
Halauyeah Acreas and mixed it with all sorts of good stuff. Again I sat in tub
and from both end of the stick I was sick but it was all worth it cause a heartworm
came out of my arm. i read heartworms come from mesquitoes (bites).
A large
Tapeworm came out of my neck after IV therapy with hydrogen peroxide treatments. (that was wierld to get these monsterss out they are really really
hard to come out especially when in shoulder neck head area they live.)
I hope I was of some good help to you and all who need help in this hard fight.
Do you think I should have been dead by now? I know I do if I hadn't skiped over
doctor's stupidity and pursue my such thoughts of do I have parasites?or am I just
a fat fat hungry hog who eats too much. And maybe that is why I am getting to look
like a house.