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Thank You Moreless :-). I agree entirely...
ladylove Views: 1,142
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 114,953

Thank You Moreless :-). I agree entirely...

.. that it is far, far better to grow your own :-).

And *How Neat*- It sounds like you are doing wonderful work with growing things in half the time..I am sure you will have great success at it.

I am planning to set up Earthboxes at my place to begin with. They won't be up till the end of July. It has become pretty clear to me that we will all have to start growing as much of our own food as possible if we are to become/remain healthy.

The thing that makes me impatient is, I still have to recover enough of my health so that I have the strength (to work and make the $) to do it. I'm not slow and I'm definitely not lazy. Too much pain and not enough strength yet. That is mostly what drives my interest in the tools, so I can figure out (And later, keep an eye on) what's happening.

So. Until then, I get to grow Wheatgrass :-).

Thank You and Good Health,

Ladylove :-)



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