** I am a living proof to this
I just wanted to let you know that releasing too much acids into the limphatic system too soon may cause you a lot of problems which you didn't have before. All the cleansing procedures helped me tremediously, liver flushses in particular, I got rid of allergies, brain fog, red watering eyes, blurred vision, panic attacks, mood swings, anger, hot flushes I can't list them all there wwere so many. I had a severe case of candida. + severe adrenal exhaustion with all the well-knows consequences. Also I followed candida diet with focus on protein. As the listed simptomes would start getting better, but I felt I started getting pains and aches in my muscles and joints which I did not have before. As I got used to suffering I didn't pay much attention as I thought it would go away. But with more detoxing it would get worsse and it reached the point I could barely walk and sit. It's been 4 months I am still stuck with the spine and hip acute pain. As to Moreless opinion on flushes, I totally agree that if one does not have enough storage of alkaline minerals one can end up in a grave. I think I did not have any alkaline minerals along with absence of calcium at all in my body being over acididc for a long long period of time. Also I would have sauna 3-4 times a week which would leach more minerals form my system which I would not replenish. For the second month I am following moreless's suggestions. What I noticed is now I can go without food more than 3 hours without a feeling passing out and panick attack, my body feels a bit lighter, not as made of iron as I felt before, I feel more calm, and for the first time maybe even im my life I don't feel sleepy after launch/dinner.
I swear, the basis for any recovery is PH balancing