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Re: the economy according to Loyd.
  Views: 1,208
Published: 17 y
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Re: the economy according to Loyd.

Hydrocarbons replaced gold as the standard behind the fiat currency. Oil is to fiat money, what gold was to specie.

By controlling oil, the value of the "dollar" is controlled. It's not that the price of oil has gone up, as many interpret it as, but rather that the value of a fiat (paper) "dollar" has decreased. This is done constantly by gov "borrowing" to discharge its obligations in equity, which requires that the value of every "dollar" in everyone's bank account, 401k, etc. constantly loses value. It's a plan designed to over time financially disenfranchise the whole population. This will continue until either the people are broken, or the central bannks are destroyed. They are not mutually co-existent, as one is predator on the other, by nature. It goes un-noticed by most, since the process is slow, insidious.

Nature provides predators. She also equips many species with means of deception, as well as means to plant, insect, and mammal for causing death to their prey. Predatory central banking finds its roots in Nature herself. It has means at its disposal to kill billions. The central banks of the world have effective control over all governments, all industry. Collectively, those who control the banks rule all activity on the entire planet earth. Prime minsters, presideants, parliaments, congresses, are all owned pawns.


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