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Great, Squeaky!
fledgling Views: 1,720
Published: 17 y
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Great, Squeaky!

Hi, Squeaky,

Isn't Ben a wonder?! I'm so happy for him and his family. What thoughtful parents he has...letting him try his best!

It seems to me he'd never have discovered what he could do unless they trusted him to find his own skills, safely.

I love the skills you have developed, too. Good for you!

I surprised myself all to heck by making the statement, out loud, that I would remember every telephone number, when I need to remember it. They just pop into my head, now, when I put my hand over the reciever. No need to look them up every time.

It took a day or two to 'kick in', I think, but it was as easy as rolling off a log. I may have repeated the statement once, later in the day, but no more. I don't even remember where I got the just seemed a good thing to do.

Maybe we don't usually do these things because we haven't heard they are possible.

Since I saw part of the interview with Dr. Doidge, I've been busy designing ways to change 'symtoms', for example, that I don't care for. I'm finding it works best if I light-heartedly do it to 'things' around me...rather than to some 'ailment' I may have.

I prefer to alter my attitude to the stairs, and my chair, than any negative within.

It's early days yet, but I have a funny feeling it's working. I really do snap my fingers over and across my middle, and so on. Think I'll do it over my forehead, etc., too.

That's beautiful that you can 'file' things, and remember or go back to them. And, tasting 'analytically' can bring in big money!

There are only about 200 'noses' in the world, and most of them are employed in the perfume industry, in France.

They say it takes 20 years to develop a 'nose', but those guys can tell what is IN a scent...the quality.

They are employed in the wine industry, too, I believe. Betcha you could have your pick of any food industry anyone could name! And get any price you want.

And, any high-powered executive office, too. I can just imagine executive conferences!

Or, you could teach, or, get on the lecture circuit.

Go, Squeaky!


My best,



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