Re: Adult Female Cystic Neck/jawline acne...
If you find you have low seratonin levels, it's best to use natural seratonin in the form of 5-htp or l-tryptophan available at health stores.
I stupidly took accutane more than once and was incredibly depressed until I was prescribed paxil. At the time, I would have had to kill anybody who tried to take it away! However, my wonderful dr told me about these natural forms which work great. No side effects like synthetic anti-depressants, which are infamous for destroying your sex drive. Now I'm doing good and always alert for signs of depression, but will probably always have to take a form of seratonin because of accutane.
Was your experience helpful? I found accutane works for a short time, but then the
Acne returns anyway. Severe depression? Hopefully, the fact that you only took it once will leave a minimum of negative effects. Let us know how your hormone tests and all come out.