--Blackstrap Molasses and the iron it may provide--
Hi EngMK111,
Like everything else, one is to use moderation!
With that said one may drink a Gallon of Blackstrap Molasses at one time and this may cause problems, but this amount is not using moderation!
And taking this amount would probably not provide you to much iron, but instead may cause you to throw the Carbon to nitrogen ratios way out of wack and give you some real Digestive problems!
For you see the iron in the Blackstrap Molasses is in a Carbohydrate Complex with all of the other Alkaline Minerals, and this is a totally different ballgame than when a person may take elemental iron by it's self!
Taking 3 to 5 Tablespoonsful of Blackstrap Molasses may not be too much "IF" you take this with the ACV or the Lemon juice for to create the neccessary Electrical Energy Release for the body to be able to utilize it!
Smile Tis your choice.