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Re: talked to a naturepath, is this good?
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Re: talked to a naturepath, is this good?

>>i talked to a naturepath doctor and he suggested i take probiotics, candex for my coated tongue,vitamin d3 and multivitamin, and stay on a healthy diet,

Sounds reasonable, but there's no reason you can't do other things, like a parasite cleanse --> liver cleanse, after a few weeks of simple probiotics and vitamins and diet change.

Did he describe what a healthy candida diet is? Some people with candida actually think eating things like pasta is ok.

>>i do know that i have candida and parasite

How did he diagnose candida/parasites?

>> i further asked him if he thinks i should do parasite/liver cleanses, he told me that it is too much to being doing that to my body that i should address these problems gently

His philosophy is good, but after a few weeks your body is ready for more. I'd start with a good anti-fungal.

>> vitamins and probiotics i am having cramps, tightness around my shoulders and joint pains, headaches dont know what could be causing this

This could be you're not responding well to your new birth control pills, especially since the headaches started before taking the probiotics. I've seen adverse reactions to different BC pills from various women, and they've had to switch until they find something that agrees with them.

Then again, you could be having bad die-off.

It's impossible to tell though, it was kind of bad timing to start both at the same time. Imo, you can't start both at once. If I were you I would either:
1) Ditch the BC pill until I finish a month or two with the candida treatments
2) Ditch the candida treatment until you work out whether you are having an allergic reaction to the BC pills

Did you tell your naturopath doctor you were switching BC pills?



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