Re: talked to a naturepath, is this good?
I am in a similar situation kinda having switched from a naturopath to a nutritionist. I am finding that the naturopath had good advice also.
The guy I am seeing now, he also told me I was taking way too many supplements when I brought in a list & some bottles.
Alot of things I had learned about in this forum & online & in books.
He did start me on one supplement so far that is called Fungal Forte. I was thinking of getting the Candex (on my own) so pls let us know if that helps. I just finished today one month of Diflucan which my gyn was nice enough to prescribe but now I am done with that.
Anyways, I am really trying to trust in him but it is hard. I didn't want to try too work with him & her (the naturopath). He had really stressed to me the diet & that he thinks that will be the main factor. I have also had him do some adjustments on me (inexpensive) & I just told him I want the
food allergy test & he quoted me a price even lower than he had before. I told him the nightmare I am having with this stupid candida, constipation & my apartment has mildew so I have to fight that now. And get my stuff out of there. I do have another place to stay thankfully.
It is so hard to wonder if you are doing right or not. I have seen so many doctors, medical & natural doctors & they all have slightly different opinions. I have gotten my nutritionist to approve some things I was taking before. He wants me to let him be the doctor but I have done too much research!
It's hard to put your trust in someone & be patient while your life is falling apart.