Re: tingling hands and legs - can be a Celiac disease?
frequent fasting and detoxing and
colonics has been known to wipe out your good flora. you may want to replenish it. you can even do a
colonic with acidophilus. most acidophilus that you take orally doesn't reach your intestines anyway because of the stomach acids.
until you get that good digestion going you should use b12 drops. or a tablet that dissolves under your tongue.
what other medical conditions do you have- diabetes, hypoglycemia? are you on medications that could harm your flora balance-
Antibiotics , anti-inflammatory, steroids, hormones? Is your water heavily chlorinated? Do you eat meat- is it organic? sometimes the hormones and
Antibiotics in animal products can carry over into us. If you live in a large city or down the river from the original water source, your water could be contaminated with pharmaceuticals.
there is a brand HLC of probiotics that get all the way through, there are others too, but not sure off hand. omega 3's can even help proper balance to an extent.