I'm female, 43 yrs old, and found out a year ago that I was molested by a cousin when I was five. I started getting headaches when I was 35, and no one could tell me why and no one could help with the pain. Until I started seeing this alternative chiropractor. She tested using kinesiology, I would reccomend you finding a chiro that uses it. Anyway, she tested and told me that the headaches started because my body was ready to deal with what happened. I had no memory of it. In the last year I have had 1 vision/memory of what happened. I will remember more when I'm ready, as will you too.
I'm not worried about confronting him, but I feel I need to confront his son who has children that he could be molesting. I have forgiven him, not for him but for my own healing. But I would have a hard time forgiving myself for not stopping him hurting other girls. I keep putting it off, but I know I need to do it, soon.