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Re: My story: suspected abuse coming out (long!)
epsilonprodigy Views: 3,717
Published: 17 y
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Re: My story: suspected abuse coming out (long!)

Hi and thanks for the prompt response. You're absolutely right, I am wondering if there's more, on my own behalf and also the behalf of this little child that may have been affected. I think I deserve some answers, and so does she, but I'm not ready to come right out and ask. for now, the name of my game has been saying things like, hey mom and dad, did you know that there are documented cases of suppressed childhood memories for upwards of 20 yrs?!" (I'm currently training to be a sexual assault nurse examiner, that's what the acroynm SANE stands for.) So I can get away with these statements and watch my dad to see if he squirms like a bug. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. But like I said, a lot of people would probably call him a shifty guy anyway.

The main thing that has me doubting is that I pretty much feel "safe" now when he's around. But thinking thoughts like, "he doesn't know the difference between married love and the OTHER kind of love" when I was in grade school clearly shows me that there was nothing acceptable or normal about his behavior. It's not prosecutable, at least I don't think so, if that's all there is to it. But I'm sure you'l agree that his ass would have been in the slammer if his case had gone to trial and I'd been ballsy enough to bring that kind of stuff to the witness stand.


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