Re: Feelings of fullness/abdominal distention during colonic vs. enema
I give colonics, and believe me it doesn't have to be as uncomfortable as Elizabeth experienced during her session. Filling a client with a gallon of water in a 60 second period is way too much, way too fast!
You ask how the fullness during a
colonic compares with that of a 2
quart enema: when I take a full bag enema I only have the bag hanging 18 to 24
inches above my hips, and typically allow 10-15 minutes for the bag to empty, clamping the shutoff whenever I start to cramp or feel too full.
When I am giving a
colonic to a client I try to make it as comfortable for them as an enema I would give to myself. In fact, more than one client has commented that their
colonic was easier than an enema.
During a fill, especially toward the end of the session when the client's colon is fairly empty it is possible to get a gallon in during a single fill, but that is done slowly, and I never try to give the client more than they can comfortably accept.
I imagine Elizabeth got a good cleanse during that session, but it doesn't have to be uncomfortable as she experienced. The therapist made a point of telling her it was going to be uncomfortable. My objective is just the opposite from the comfort perspective.
I hope some others reading here who have had
colonics relate their experiences and how effective they rated the cleanse they received relative to the degree of fullness and cramping they experienced.