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Re: Does God Love All the same?
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Re: Does God Love All the same?

That pastor is severely mistaken and fancies themself as having SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE for the sake of scholarly approval [SHOCK VALUE clearly stated] (instead of GOD'S approval). I'll offer an alternative view (feel free to believe that I also offer the same, it is completely your right).

It is human nature that people are downright ANXIOUS to believe anything NEGATIVE about everything and everyone. It is also part of human nature to dislike the objective and absolute truth. You do not have to think that what I'm saying is true (that's completely your decision, that might seem harsh to say, but your decision should be "in my inmost SELF", Romans 7:22), for, one cannot truly understand the Godly nature without first understanding the HUMAN nature.

The message that each of us finds in scripture depends on what we're looking for.

The message is like the 3 gracious gifts of God to humanity. Most people on earth have FAITH that God is the CREATOR (and they find simply a message of faith). Others also desire to have HOPE and have everlasting life through His son. Sadly, far fewer will truly dedicate themSELF to God by living according to LOVE ("the GREATEST of these", 1 Corinthians 13:13 the LOVE chapter,...God is LOVE).

1) creation (Father) FAITH that He is our common heritage.
2) son (HOPE) for everlasting life.
3) having a Godly spirit (LOVE) the GREATEST of these.

Scripture is a mirror into the human soul. God is not "LIKE" us, God is the "conscience" of each person. If we choose to be sneaky, underhanded, unjust, and embrace only SUBJECTIVE truth/bias, that is how we will understand Him to be (we will FEAR Him and see HATE).

But, if we choose to be JUST/fair and love absolute/objective truth while treating our fellow human being with respect of their human rights (love) and helping others that suffer misfortune, then we will have true love in our hearts and be able to understand God's loving kindness.

God has always been severely misunderstood (humanity thinks that He is like we are...because it makes us feel more comfortable about how we treat each other).

EVERY human being on earth has salvation (eternal life) AVAILABLE to them.
that pastor says that...
"Jesus did not die for the sins of the whole world" (pastor doesn't know the scriptures very well)...
Luke 3:6 "and all flesh shall see the salvation of God."

Like many Christians, this "PASTOR" seeks to SCARE people into GOING 'to' heaven (you don't GO to heaven, heaven is either in your heart or it's not, neither do you GO to hell, it's the present "death and hades" we should choose to avoid, the wages of sin will cause you to be cast into the lake of fire, Rev. 20:10).

"WALK BY THE SPIRIT" Galatians 5:16 and 25.
"WORD OF TRUTH" Ephesians 1:13, 2 Timothy 2:15, John 14:6,...introductory doctrine of Christ Hebrews 6:1.
"SWORD OF THE SPIRIT" Ephesians 6:17.
"their FEAR of me is a commandment of MEN..." Isaiah 29:13, 1 John 4:18 God is NOT a punisher. Our love should be done with "ALL" heart, mind, soul, and strength (Mark 12:30, no room for fear).

The "strong delusion" is not FUTURE either, neither is it only for "OTHERS", it has infected man's churches through out all history because so many have simply decided not to love the ABSOLUTE/OBJECTIVE truth and preferred the doctrines of the heart (Ezekiel 14:4-8, the KJV correctly translates the word "according").

The biggest problem besides truth is the doctrine of self abasement/abandonment (Colossians 2:18 and 23). With this abaTement of a true sense of SELF, we deny God
("I am who I am") the opportunity to have a true relationship with the REAL us, neither can we realize SELF discipline in order to repent (but then again, we won't be able to relate to or identify with reality at all in a PERSONal way, let alone relate to REAL/objective truth).

Be careful who you listen to. Many modern bibles are fake, not just the NKJV.

Mankind has always replaced the three gracious gifts of God with the teachings of the sixth day creation.


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