Re: Salt water flush while fasting?
I just started the mastercleanse today. I was put off SWF, by people saying they needed the toilet urgently etc. I don't want a problem if i have to go out. I have no problem with the salt itself. I take
Seasalt anyway, not normally during fast though.
2 x 8oz, thought it was a
quart 2pts, so that's 4 x 8oz, right. Anyway i might do it further along if i feel i need it.
I'm glad you had good experience on the Mastercleanse, what i have noticed so far is, on my last short waterfasts i got very acidic, and felt uncomfortable, and that was from the first day, well i haven't noticed that today, so that is a good sign.
I do plan to go over to water in a few days, or if i really like doing this, i will maybe do this for my first long fast, and do water next time, as i'll be more cleansed out.
My first day nearly over, well in 2 hrs, started about tenish last night. I can have a lax tea, and have some colonix tea left over, contains senna and lots of detox herbs, and tastes good.
It is nice you can have something different to just water, but i know the ultimate fast is water, well probably dry fasting actually, but i've no plans to do that. But working toward the long waterfast. You say it quietens the mind, so anxiety is less? I hope so.