Re: 17 Days in - Quite happy with the results
Congratulations, mkbSFO!
Nothing happens at the end of the 30 carry on with the same feelings of improvement, as though you were still taking the caps.
Your body is still loaded with the herbals, I figure.
As far as I can tell, 'cleansing events' may occur as much as 30 days after. Or, your feelings of improvement may subside a little.
By the time you have done your second round the whole procedure may slip into the 'routine' of a maintenance program...this is what you do to be is part of you.
How quickly we forget vanished symptoms!
'What you want to do next' will likely occur to you. The 'in-betweens', a plain liver flush seven days after finishing, food improvements like coconut oil, oil-pulling, Himalayan crystal salt baths, and so on. (See the individual forums.)
Humaworm, all the Humaworm products are an adventure and a learning process, at first. Once we get the hang of them, we graduate to that wonderful degree of understanding our own bodies, and what they need...and get on with the other things we want to building our first million...and caring for our families, the world...effectiveness.