17 y
Hmmm. Ok, thanks.
The GOP wanted to force a vote before going on spring break. They did a closed door meeting to keep the cameras and unwanted lawyer busy-bodies out while everybody swore at each other on the Hill, most likely.
Having observed Congress for years, they MIGHT have whipped through all those other issues that alexl's post mentioned, but I rather doubt it, especially on a hot ticket item like wiretapping. I think the saddest sentence in this article is Blunt's quote: "this vote has no impact at all." I love gridlock, myself. I personally would like to see more of it coming from the Congressional side, in the form of overrides and such.
I can see how those tin hat
Conspiracy theorists would have a field day with a closed-door session of Congress. Here's a sincere question from a real truth seeker: how do you discern truth/helpful info from sensationalist (or not) disinfo? I'm not saying alexl's post IS disinfo, but, seriously, how do YOU, the Curezone think boxers, sort through the yes/no piles and process it all?