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Day Two.... Woot Woot!
Atomic-Blonde Views: 1,064
Published: 17 y

Day Two.... Woot Woot!

Well its day two for me... I was extremely surprised usually when I fast I get headaches the first day and just mind numbing hunger. The fact that I didn't makes me wonder if my body really really needed this now and was begging for it.
Our house burnt down back in December and well if you have ever been displaced.... you end up eating out for all of your meals because the people that have taken you in have kids and jobs and you hate to dirty up their dishes. Plus we don't have kids and being there when they got up for school, back, and dinner time was kind of LOUD. LOL
I knew my ass was getting fatter, but with none of my regular clothes to judge by I just said, well what can I do, and ordered salads for most meals. God forbid its a giant salad with half a chicken on it LOL and God only knows what they mix their dressing with.... UG!
So we get an apartment finally and I get a rice cooker and am doing brown rice and vegetables which I love and its soo easy with the rice cooker,. you just throw everything in and when the water is gone it turns itself on low. Soo good. I highly recommend everyone get one.
Anyway... I dropped about 10 or so of the eating out lbs and was really proud it was coming off so quickly.
Then low and behold.... we decide to go snowmobiling at night. Well I am on this fast machine, and I round the corner and I have it wide open and next thing I know I am looking at the tail lights of a few geniuses who decided to stop in the middle of the track in the middle of this field to smoke cigarettes with their lights out. I had enough time to decide which one to hit and next think i knew I was waking up covered with snow.
They said I jumped right up but was this really scary shade of purple, which would explain why everyone was looking at me like that. Scared almost like i was some kind of monster or walking dead. LOL
Anyway I broke just about everything I had on the left side and got whiplash so bad that when I got off the couch or laid down the room spun so badly I vomited. Scary.
So my husband had just been laid off the week before, we had lost our health insurance, so the only thing I would permit them to do for me was give me pain pills. The last thing we needed with an insurance settlement coming were tens of thousands of hospital bills. No bones were sticking out though it was clear they were broken and man oh man did I cry.
To top it all off my husband on a gut reaction ran in front of me. Not 100% sure why.. its not like he could have stopped me, but I hit him at about 70mph... and I believe took his elbow in my neck.
So there we both are on the couch for about a MONTH... whining, unable to cook or move much. Friends would come by when they could but for the most part it was to drop off a bag of dollar menu crap.
hence the gigantic ass!!! lol
all my little 10 pounds I thought i needed to lose before just smoked by consuming dollar menu crap for 30 days at least.
Oh yeah I usually do at least 15mins of cardio a day too. Not so much...
Day one is gone now... and i am onto day two... I never sleep much when I fast but maybe its a good thing. I can edit this novel...

Woot woot

bye bye booty..
Oh yeah I promised myself if my books look horrid after this I will get a jobby job...
Not saying how much I gained but it was pretty damn bad.



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